Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fucking game over alright

This evening I had the misfortune of being exposed to a 30 minute section of Spy Kids 3. My hands, being in no position to change the channel, were occupied washing the dishes after my woman had yet again, "fell down some stairs" and was spending the evening in the emergency room. God damn that was some wooden acting; Ricardo Montalban, I've fucked inflatable dolls with more expression. Oh well, guess I'll check out some the offerings over at the free nude photo club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Spy Kids is AWESOME! PS, real men don't wash plates... ever. I just lost a world of respect for you, Jasper.

9/30/2006 7:54 pm  
Blogger Jasper said...

I refuse to assist the economy of take-away immigrants by purchasing their inferior, disease-ridden food products. Thus, plates need to be cleaned. Cleanliness is next to godliness Geri, remember that. It was through our superior work ethic and willingness to do what needed to be donethat allowed the Reich to bring the world to its knees; be it washing dishes, sewing clothes, or digging mass graves.

Also, the day I care about the respect of a woman is the day I cease to be a real man.

9/30/2006 8:48 pm  

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