Monday, November 06, 2006

HowieJ, pimpin' my comz up in yo bitches

Person 1) Hey darling, you've heard of T3 right?
Person 2) Isn't it that bonfire ritual where people throw their money into a flaming pyre en masse?
Person 1) No, that's T2.


Blogger Jasper said...

I actually think Sol Trujillo will do a reasonable job with Telstra. He's running it like a business, and not taking any guff from Howard, like when JH tried to rip off the public. Sol leaked the info because he was forcing the Gov's hand for financial assistance.

I don't know yet whether buying into T3 will be a good idea or not. It certainly won't be as disastrous as T2.

11/06/2006 7:31 pm  

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